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Duke Street is an Independent Evangelical Church
Founded over a hundred years ago, the church is made up of people from many different backgrounds and places.
We believe that God cares for ALL people and that as his church, we have the privileged responsibility to make the reality of his love and forgiveness count in our lives and made known to others.
The Christian faith has something to say about all areas of life and as a church family we seek to learn, apply and live out the teaching of the Bible.
We are members of::
We play an active part in encouraging a sense of partnership between local churches and we network
with and support, many different Christian organisations, through our people and finance (see Links).
Aims and Objectives
• To glorify and to enjoy God.
• To share life in Christ with each other.
• To take the Good News to our community.
• To declare and promote the Gospel and support those
of like mind throughout the world
To become a church that is continually
• Growing together (CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP)
• Growing in compassion (SERVING OTHERS)
• Growing in generosity (GIVING)
• In One God; the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
• That the Bible is God's inspired word, directing and affecting our lives daily.
• That the only way to have a personal relationship with God is through faith in Jesus Christ.
See our full Statement of Faith