Duke Street Evangelical Church 4-8 Duke Street, Northampton, NN1 3BA

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Welcome Duke Street Evangelical Church 4-8 Duke Street, Northampton, NN1 3BA


1st Sunday of the month

10.00am - Prayer Meeting

11.30am - Family Communion Service

(A traditional service, which includes a Communion ceremony)

12.30pm - Fellowship Lunch

2nd/3rd/4th/5th Sunday of the month

9.45am - Prayer Meeting

10.00am - Communion Service

(This service follows the Brethren tradition of a short introductory devotional thought, followed by a time of open worship in which the congregation is invited to bring a prayer, song, reading or thought, before the Communion proper)

11.30am - Family Service

(A traditional service of songs, readings, all-age talk, and sermon)


11.00am - Tea & Chat at the Good Loaf, Overstone Road

7.45pm - Bible Study on Zoom (alternate weeks)

7.45pm - Discussion Group on Zoom (alternate weeks)


Other events  as advertised